- GAV provides public auctions services whereby GAV manages the lotting, the preparation of the condition handbook, advertisements plan and implementation, and the management of the auction process and the sale's closing to the highest bidders.
- GAV ensures compliance with local Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade (MSIT) regulations and procedures, and our vast experience in handling governmental bureaucracy and paperwork ensures a smooth process from beginning to end.
- Closed envelope bids are similar to private auctions, whereby there is no public session. Instead, the bids are received via closed envelope and processed via a private committee. A stop-loss value is typically involved to limit the sale, and the entire management of the process is organised and handled by GAV.
- GAV ensures compliance with local and international standards and laws that ensure integrity, transparency, and responsibility not to expose clients to compliance-related risks.
- Utilising the vast network of past clients, brokers and agencies, GAV can reach out to potential buyers or sellers for direct sales. Direct sales is typically a strategic buyer willing to transact on an asset to expand their portfolio or increase their market share. Direct sale services include proper strategic marketing, sourcing, location scouting, partnership follow-up, and proper due diligence. GAV ensures professionalism and transparency for the entire process.
- Clients needing a second opinion on pricing, location, functional use, or technical due diligence can benefit from the vast experience and knowledge of GAV. GAV can give strategic advice on any asset before purchasing through its sister companies in valuations, project management, construction, financial advisory, and appraisals. Additionally.
- GAV can tap into the vast network of experts outside the company to fulfil any technical due diligence need not present internally.
- GAV’s core competence lies in its valuation and pricing capabilities through its vast experience and knowledge in the field of appraisals.
- GAV is fully capable of providing full inspection and valuation reports, both technical and financial, for Real estate, machinery and equipment, scrap, salvage and movables. GAV holds multiple licensees in valuations, including the RICS Registered Valuers, CBE, EFRA, and TAQEEM.
- GAV adheres to the highest standards of appraisals, including the IVS, RICS Global valuation standards, and the IFRS standards.
- Many of GAV's asset disposal clients deal with recyclable materials that require approvals from the Ministry of Environment.
- GAV can fully provide end-to-end procurement solution for recyclable disposed assets that fully complies with Environmental laws and procedures.
- GAV's clients in this field are typically multi-national, focusing on compliance and environmental sustainability goals.